Week 5 – Hangin’ Tough

There are three things woman don’t talk about…

1. Their age
2. Their number of sexual partners
3. Their weight

Now, anyone who knows me, knows I talk about my age all the time. At least until I look it. BTW I’m 38, if it wasn’t evident by my blog title this week. Also, not shockingly, the number of my sexy time partners is lower than both my age and especially my weight – but I guess when you think of it, that’s probably a good thing.

Up until now I never talked about my weight, well, the number. It was always the really big fat elephant in the room, but in order to tell you fine readers out there my goals I have to actually divulge my weight *gasp*. Because survey says, I weigh more than most of you…

This week was a tough one, not gonna lie. It was a month from when I started this – my lady time, but I really don’t think that was only it. It was Valentine’s Day for a single girl, during her lady time = the perfect emotional eating storm. But I didn’t waiver (not the betting, I made that embarrassing mistake earlier today), I kept strong. Even after screaming on text I WANT CHOCOLATE!!! I didn’t do it, because I’m not in that only eat one of anything phase. I’m still in the where did that entire bag of everything just go – oh right, in my stomach. Of course, if you ask my wonderful nutritionist/bff/awesome motivator it was because I’ve incorporated yogurt and fruit into my diet which are sugartastic sugary yummy time, which seemingly is my food crack – well, carb (sugar) really is; I’d probably do just about anything for a bagel with chive cream cheese – but I digress.

What was I saying?


I abstained from falling off the wagon, and this was the result…

At the end of week 5 I have lost *drum roll, please*.

21 pounds!

So that now makes 46 lbs to Onederland. (And there it is…yes kids I am currently 246. I was 267 when I started – that was officially my all time heaviest, even when I gained my Freshman Freshman.)
Guess I wasn’t too hasty in my decision to start this thing – I was definitely knocking on Diabeetus’s door.

If you saw my other blog http://www.ademonlovestory.wordpress.com there was a run in with a gastro doctor a few months back that told me if I didn’t lose weight I was soon going to lose my knees. He wanted me to get gastro weight loss surgery. I didn’t concede, I got pissed as hell, but I never lost weight. I had to beg for help, and I’ve got it, and as you can see it’s working!

I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a follower; I never wanted to be a leader. I’m the girl you see in the back you glance over quickly and go “well she’s a big one”. This time next year I’m hoping to be the girl you still glance at and go “wow, who’s that girl?” We’ll see.

I’m really learning discipline and the hard, cold fact that I can no longer sustain the life I’ve been living – not if I want to be around for a while. Not if I ever want to be happy with myself and develop confidence. If I ever want to attract a mate – which still is a sour subject because I wanted to be the girl that won just on personality, but so far that hasn’t worked. So I’ll lure them in with my looks, then knock em’ out with the personality. They won’t know what hit them. Or him, just him, I’m not looking to make too many more deposits in the sexy time partner’s bank.

Oh before I go I forgot; last Tuesday I did to a 22 minute mile on the treadmill – but the Sunday prior I pulled my back out again bring up my groceries #dietgirlproblems. So I’m refraining from workouts for another 20 pound loss. Maybe 15 we’ll see how things go.

Also, here’s some new things I’ve noticed easier with the weight-loss – I’ve discovered that it’s now slightly easier to cut my toenails. I’ve shoved my ass in an old pair of jeans that didn’t fit, and a pair of pajama bottoms I never got to wear!

So that’s all folks, this was a challenging but successful 4 lbs weight loss for week 5. See below for the week 5 photo (complete with cat photobomb) and the before and after thus far.

Week 5

Week 5 with Brie total photobombing

Before and After Week 5

Before and After so far, yeah I’m getting it…

Thanks for the continued encouragement and to anyone who actually reads this, you may not realize it, it does help.

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